Charlottesville Committee on Foreign Relations

Membership is open to anyone interested in foreign policy and international affairs, and new members are enthusiastically welcomed. Current membership dues are $140.00. If you are interested in membership, please review the following information and fill out the form below.
Operating structure for Prospective CCFR Members.
Our Web Site www.ccfrcville.org includes details of the organization such as leadership, upcoming meetings, meeting announcements, entrée menus, program committee members, history, etc.. Also, reservations and a membership roster are available through a password protected secure system.
Second Thursday of the Month, September-May at Glenmore Country Club. Meal providers require a guaranteed attendance figure in advance of the Event. This means that your reservations must reach us by the deadline date (5:00 PM, Sunday).Reservations and payment can be made on-line at www.ccfrcville.org or by returning the reservation’s Form with a check made out to CCFR (CCFR, P O Box 4303, Charlottesville, VA 22905-4303). You will need a user name and password which will be provided at the start of your membership for web reservations. Both can be changed after the initial sign-in. If you are close to deadline, you can make a reservation by emailing reservations@ccfrcville.org , provide names, guest names, and entrée choices and send check to CCFR, P O Box 4303, Charlottesville, VA 22905-4303.
Refunds or credits will be made if we are notified by 5:00 PM on the Sunday prior to the Event. Changes can be sent to reservations@ccfrcville.org or calling 434-760-2937 and leaving a message (phone is least reliable).
Members may invite guests but need to accompany guests to our functions. Payment for their meals is due at the time the reservation is made. Guests reimbursing you is best.
Meal providers offer three menu options for each meeting, one of them being vegetarian.
A completed membership application (available at www.ccfrcville.org or by request at reservations@ccfrcville.org ) with appropriate remittance should be sent to CCFR, P O Box 4303, Charlottesville, VA 22905-4303. Our current annual dues are $140. This amount covers either an individual or a couple living in the same household. For those who join after January 1 and at or before the March dinner, the dues for the remainder of the CCFR season (June 30) are $70. Members joining after the March dinner will be assessed $140,which covers membership through the end of the CCFR season the following year. Members at the end of our fiscal year (June 30), receive a letter (in August) announcing the start of the new activity year. Dues should be sent upon receipt of that letter.
Third Thursday of the month, September-May at the Greencroft Club 11:30 AM-2:00 PM The Luncheon meeting is a moderated discussion of a timely Foreign Relations topic. It is open to Members Only and all correspondence is done by email. Active involvement by attendees is expected. Attendance is limited to 30 on a “first come-first served” basis.
All reservations and payment are done through web site www.ccfrcville.org A reservation can only be made one time per luncheon on Web site and you cannot cancel and receive a credit card refund on web site. Cancellations sent to reservations@ccfrcville.org prior to Midnight the Sunday before the luncheon, are fine and a refund or credit will be issued.
The Directory is for personal use of members only. No commercial activity, solicitations, political literature, etc. is permitted.
Are off the Public Record. Comments by speakers and members do not leave the meeting room including but not limited to tape recordings, video footage, and published communication. This privacy is essential to our speakers and promotes candidness.